Thursday, 17 January 2013

plastic figures, war gaming and....

put together another handful of figures, got to glue hats onto the warlord ecw figures that I have done,  then there are some ancient Germans and some Greeks and some conversions and some more conversions that I have got to do.

I have part play tested the rainbow unicorn game, and am now trying to fix a rules question or two and an alternate rule or two. the scoring has been through the mill and back, so I think a final version is still more than a week away.

had trouble yesterday with the hosting of my website, they just do not seem able to let it transfer to the new hosting service, no matter how many times I call I always end up speaking to someone who is in the wrong department to help, and if I use the online help service going to the appropriate page gives me a 404 error.
the phone number that worked before Christmas now connects you with a diet food supply service... and the old website does not help. I wouldn't mind but it is gbbo and they have changed service providers.

computer should be working tomorrow.
should have more snow tomorrow as well.

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