Thursday, 3 January 2013

Rainbow making magical Unicorns.

other design elements that came together over a small drink last night.
at least seven unicorns, represented by counters, a multi player rainbow tracker, and a rain cloud counter that activates scoring, but stops one rainbow from being scored. the unicorns are controlled by a deck of cards, and some cards force you to gift a unicorn move to a friend.
when the deck runs out everyone scores all of their rainbows.
the end.

now on to math the deck, decide how to implement card removal from the deck, how to balance the cloud scoring mechanism, how to explain the card playing and the gifting of unicorns.

be a lot easier when I'm not typing on a touchscreen when my computer is back tomorrow.

Will be buying printer ink on Saturday and making a test print of the cards and track on Sunday.
play test on Monday card cutter permitting.
then formal rules writing until next weekend and then some sort of alpha play testers pack PDF download Will be made available.

final scores and balancing will come from alpha and beta play test group.

I will then begin initial design work on the second game (undecided on what that will be, so if you head over to my reached a wall posting on bgg. you can let me know)

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